I am a Canadian who needs a good swift kick in the ass. I admit it.
I’m one of the those 25+ million Canadians who sat on their hands or with
our thumbs up our asses for 40 years believing our government had the best interests of Canadians
atheart. Sure it had its ups and downs but I believed in our democracy.
I believed in the electoral process. I believed in the integrity of our democratic government. I was patriotic to the point of confrontation with anyone daring to malign my country, our flag or our government. I enlisted in our military as my father had before me.
I was misinformed. I was a Dumb-Ass. I was a Dumb-Ass for the same
reason 99% of you are Dumb-Asses. I took the Democratic process for
granted. I rode the wave of complacency and I reaped rewards of peace
and security. I was lulled, I was duped as I selfishly rode on the
coattails of the valiant veterans who fought and died for the
freedoms I enjoyed so immensely. I was callous to my duty as a
Canadian. And yes, surprise, surprise... there IS a duty involved.
Wealth and prosperity historically evolves best from a democratic capitalist supportive governmental structure but it fails when someone/anyone in the agreement fails to do their part. That statement is broad but it’s as true as you are alive and reading this. When one party of any agreement fails to perform... the agreement fails. Contract ended.
emocracies fail when governments begin to behave in a tyrannical or socialist manner abandoning our constitution and our Charter. Our contract is the constitution we agreed upon as a democratic society. And sadly this has begun in Canada over the past decade. The government broke its promise to perform the will of the people. Now it bends the people ... to IT'S will.
But wouldn’t it be nice if all Canadian citizens could point our bony fingers only at the government for 100% for our country’s failures? Lol. Well we do usually ... but we are wrong.
Damn that would be nice! But if continued to think that way ... I would remain a Dumb-Ass Canuck. (as would you.)
Fortunately I am here from preventing all of us from remaining Dumb,-Ass forever.
I'm not talking about political PARTIES, I am talking about Canadian politicians in general. Foget finger pointing, because God knows we have enough ammunition from the past decade or two of irresponsible, felonious and plain unscrupulous GOVERNANCE to fill an old fashioned encyclopedia.
Instead, I want to talk to you about VALUE.
You know what value is...you demand "value" from the butcher, the baker, the hardware store, the hairdresser, your mechanic, purchasing online, in the mall...from your neighbour. Damn it man, you want and DEMAND your money’s worth EVERYWHERE you go!
EXCEPT in Governance. So,why don’t you DEMAND that from your employee... the government? This is not a trick question... our taxes, your hard earned dinero is paying THEIR wages, not to mention over-kill benefits packages, expense accounts, perks and pensions... so tell me, what’s up with that?
Let me see what you are made of. Are you a coward? ... afraid?...confused? unsure?... uneducated?...need direction?... all of the above? I know I have been.
I can tell you right now you are probably all, or most of that. Who wouldn't be? We have learned it from our parents, we have had propaganda taught to us for generations... the government will care for you.
Well guess what? They HAVEN'T!
All I am saying is that it's time to receive VALUE back from what we are spending on government services. If there is NO VALUE we DON'T WANT it!
This isn't rocket science and we don't have to bring back the guillotine (but we'll keep that in our back pocket haha) All you need are the balls you were born with. And if you can't cut it ... we'll ask your wife. Amd I'm not kidding. Give me a determined woman any time....
So if Yoiu still want to call yoyrself a Canadian and a patriotic citezen... contact me.
Go to: talk2me@thedumbasscanuck.com