Life in Canada Before the Dumb-Ass
(Disclaimer- If you wonder why I come across as politically uncorrect and satirical, it’s because I'm old enough to remember a differnt Canada when the WHOLE WORLD respected us.
Anyway, if I can own up to being a "Dumb-Ass" then I'm pretty sure that YOU CAN TOO...) We are all in this together,Canada.)
Yes, I remember a strong and free Nation where the government did its' job well ... and so did the citizens. I remember a strong military and a stronger economy.
Do you remember when our Canadian dollar was worth ten cents (10C) more than the American dollar? ... But that was a time when more citizens voted and patriotism soared. We sang our national anthem every day, not because we thought ourselves better than other nations but because we were so damn proud of Canada.
Do you want to know why that all changed? You aren’t going to like it... it changed because citizens became too trusting and complacent. We turned our focus on our wealth instead of civic responsibilities and we forsook our obligation to participate in government and oversee what they were doing. YES, my friends, that is our JOB!
Today we love to blame government for everything but at the end of the day ... it is ordinary Canadians who are EQUALLY responsible for our present dilemma.
So give your head a shake. It’s time to WAKE UP Canada.
IntroducingThe Dumb-Ass Canuck
MiriamWebster defines the word "dumb" this way:
1) being, or lacking intelligence, stupid.
2) Another definition for "dumb" is to lack the ability (or willingness)... to speak.
3) An "ass" is a donkey. An animal with the IQ somewhere near that of a turnip, often stubborn to the core.
4) The fourth definition is a buttock. That is an ASS.
Being "Canadian" (Canuck) can be loosely and diplomatically defined as being a native or an inhabitant of Canada, however, to the present world we are known as the introverted (pale, insignificant) nation north of the (dis) United States. We are the nation with the "Please Kick Me" and "I Am Pathetic" signs on our backs. We are often highly polite but pathetic. We are pathetic because our leadership is pathetic. We can admit that. Incompetence flows downward just as, as the saying goes ... as sh*t does.
For decades we have been a nation where not a single prime minster has possessed even one productive testicle giving birth to positive societal or political change. Not one prime minister in decades has produced an heir (politically speaking) with even minor traits of honesty and/or integrity, while increasing our freedoms. ... in fact, the opposite is true. Most, (if not every) parliamentary act is designed to:
(1) curtail our personal and/or collective freedom
(2) cause financial burden
(3) reduce our power as citizens while increasing the power(s) of government.
LOL. Don't freakin' ARGUE with me ... just prove me wrong!
This website/blog is dedicated towards understanding why we have become a nation of "pussies". We have hopes that Time, Education and Participation by stalwart Canadians will eventually dissolve this dubiously honourable "pussy" moniker. We are not "pussies" or introverted. We are not "pansies" despite how a certain prime minister a short time ago prostrated himself before both the WEF and China begging for penetration.
It is time to shed the signs and dispute the narratives but we can't do it if you remain acting like a "pussy." As a citizen you must get involved. In other words dear citizen ... get off your hairy "ass" and act like a true Canadian! About half of you had balls when you were born. How about finding them now!
We need every man, and woman in Canada to Speak Up and OUT about laws and restrictions, taxes, licenss, permits and all OVER-REACHES imposed by governments that You belive are UNFAIR but don't havethe balls to protest!
Let's be mature and logical. We DO need Government and Taxes ... but in proportion and as necessary... not simply for the sake of controlling us.
Work with us please. Donate if you can... SPEAK UP and help us grow. WE are here for YOU and your children ... the next generation NEEDS us.
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