Okay, so you've taken your first step ... you are buying Canadian! Good job and congratulations!!
So, tell me, WHY are you suddenly dancing the patriotic “two step” and purchasing from your own Canadian family instead of from American or Oriental sources? Did something bite you?
Why are you suddenly looking at labels and flying your Canada flag on your butte, your backpack and your business? Why is it suddenly the "right" thing to do? Why the sudden change of heart, my dear and staunchly Canadian friend?
Not since the Trucker's Freedom Convoy has there been such a truly inspiration based patriotic boasting of the "new and improved you" the new and patriotic Canadian! Don't get me wrong ... I LOVE IT!
The internet has been bombarded with your national alliance and purge from purchasing American imports. The world is actually paying attention. At long last, our national pride has returned and is exploding from coast to coast to coast and CANADIANS are all making it happen!
But let me pose to you a simple question (or two).
The big question is WHY? Why, at this particular time ... have you chosen to employ these great and wondrous spending sacrifices and changes of heart towards your fellow Canadians? Why now do you prefer to purchase "east to west rather than north to south"?
What possible catalyst and explosion of awareness could have driven you
from your entrenched and dogmatic purchasing patterns blessing our southern neighbours? Did we suddenly realize that our fellow Canadians have to eat too....? What colossal event could it have been to strike such a chord of generosity in your honourable but hedonistic hearts?
No Canada,I'm not being facetious. I'm supporting "Canadian made" too. But it's still a real and valid question. I know, some of you are shaking your heads wondering where I’m going with, this but hang on. Haven't you just made it a real sacrifice?
So let me clarify something. I have been a Canadian longer than most of you have been alive. I have served in our fine military, climbed the corporate ladder and blue collar challenges always with the intent of making Canada better and stronger. I have supported may governments and seen a myriad of changes to our country and leadership.
But in doing all of that, I have also witnessed the insidious decline of one of the greatest countries on earth.
So, the THIKING PERSON will also ask... is why is all of this happening in the first place?
But let's face it, self preservation can be a great motivatotor. Canadians felt threatened and being threatened does not sit well with the spirit of this country. We quickly adopted a strategy to avoid extinction as a first world nation. It was more than a sacrifice kt was also a CHALLENGE. Not the gpovernment ... but the Canafdian PEOPLE decided this was our only option to save our country economically... so we grasped at the chance and climbed aboard the Canada train with the only action possible in saving our country, our way of life and our living.
Canadians are a strong people. Canadians lead the world in kindness, generosityand embracing people of all cultures. We don’t lack love. What we lack ... is leadership. I say this because why the sudden federal and provincial input? Is it because our provincial premieres of the provinces suddenly felt love towards us? Don't hold youv breath on that cause. No, they too felt threatened. Their jobs were on the line.
Okay, so NOW you can give yourselves a pat on the back! NOW you can look in the mirror and smile because you did one heluva job of saving our country. Don’t kid yourselves, it’s true. The Canadian PEOPLE began to boycott American goods, the Canadian PEOPLE took to the media and spread the word and encouragement, the Canadian PEOPLE laid the groundwork, built the Canada made apps. The Canadian
PEOPLE, black, white, red, in between all glorious and beautiful CANADIANS of every clan and culture.
NOT the Canadian government.
This is important to realize because the government and the press supported by government funding ... are already claiming credit for this stroke of genius and patriotism. It is a pattern withn them. Every day Canadians deserve the credit!
For decades all levels of Canadian government have slumbered like drunks after a tax payer funded night out, Conservatives and Liberals alike. Do you think these trade problems are new problems? Do you think that governments have been unaware of the danger of such imbalances of American trade relying so heavily on one trading partner? For fifty years I have listened to them snore. I have a solid claim to being labelled The
Dumb-Ass Canuck because I did nothing to warn my fellow Canadian brothers and sisters.
So tell me why the federal government suddenly woke up to reality feigning a semblance of action? (Remember that at the time the federal government was in a state of disarray and confusion.) The leader had resigned, the parliament was being prorogued and
leadership was non existent. Lol, that wasn’t anything new based on the state of the economy and country over the past decade but you get the picture. Federally it was a larger than normal "shit show" in Ottawa.
My friends it was the provincial premiers who took the lead. Provincial premiers came together to devise a plan. The provinces were in danger of dying. They were motivated by desperation... but at least they were MOTIVATED!
No,they didn’t suddenly grow a set of balls and read their job descriptions and decide to actually perform the jobs they are over paid to do. No, they were motivated by the Public, the PEOPLE of Canada, the men and women of Canada who were already acting in unison and in DEFENCE against an enemy endangering our country! The premiers were only catching up to the train.
This one time we will give the premiers credit for unity. I've never seen in it in fifty plus years in Canada. It is a rarity.
I have also been warning for many years that Canadian government is broken” and this fiasco pretty much proves this. Our government needs repairs.
As a quick recap, it is the federal government’s responsibility to administer the national economy in the best way possible to the overall good of it's citizens from coast to coast. The premiers administer their provincial economies and we’ll discuss that in another article.
So do not be baffled by the bullshit or bullied by federally funded newscasts coming from the CBC or others pumping up the message that the Idiot King suddenly had a brainstorm. If anything he had a brain-FART. The premiers came up with a stand in solidarity forcing the feds to listen and take heed. Justin is simply a talking head with a hand up his butt.
Meanwhile it was the PUBLIC who led the charge and inspired the push back against the Tyrant Trump seeking to destroy us. Our governments were all late comers who latched desperately onto public spirit. That is ALL they did. They deserve no accolades.
The spirit and drive to save Canada belongs even now ... to true Canadians. Nothing good was motivated from the hearts of our elected officials to combat the threat that came to us from south of the border. I repeat this because it needs to be reinforced. Our government failed us.
I kid you not. This is a pivotal moment in Canada. This isn’t a flash in the pan. This is a turning point for our country and its governance. If we do not examine our government shortfaslls now demoicracy as we know it will erode beyond repair within a decade. Your children will live in a restricted world.
You had better understand this because it's crucial to the future of our country. The only reason our government suddenly stood up with integrity against the Americans was simply and only because they were FORCED to. They did not do it because it was for the good of the country.
Our governments have had DECADES to stand up in the same manner and do what is right in this matter but they consistently and deliberately chose not to do so. It was no secret that this needed to be done.
Not until a national crisis occurred did governments step forward and unite. This was an emergency. The Emergency Act being utilized during the Trucker's Convoy was not an emergency but a tactic to control Canadians. This, my friends, is an EMERGENCY and what the Act was designed to accomplish. Where is the Act now?
Without the crisis we would still be in that same position we have been in for at least five decades. Our economy would be continuing to shrink, our tax dollars would be spent funding corporations with no logical benefit, our natural resources would be left untapped and our social programs and education would continue in decline.
As much as I am loathe to express this... in a way, we should be thanking Premier Trump (better known as Rump) for grabbing our Canadian government(s) by those teeny,tiny testicles they claim to possess ... and squeezing those impotent, federal balls into submission.
Yes, Canada, it took a FOREIGN POWER to threaten us with Extinction ... in order for our government to put aside their self indulgent differences and pull together as a country. How does that make you feel as a Canadian?
The elected representatives you voted for, from the municipal, the provincial and the federal levels would have continued our descent into commercial, social and economical oblivion forever... had the United States not threatened us with our destruction as a
I want you to THINK about that.
Canadian governments have permitted our country to deteriorate in almost every aspect of Canadian culture and prosperity for decades. Do your homework!!
Our health care is in the toilet, our economy is at death's door, our reputation internationally has been shredded into a dismal tatter, our economic future stands on the brink of collapse, our education system when compared to Europe and even China is deplorable and sub-standard, our stand on social justice issues has been perverted
into a strange wokism that makes no common sense and has injured us all both physically and mentally and especially the younger generations of our population.
But now my friends, I must bring the conversation back to a sad reality no-one wants to talk about and none of us want to hear.
My friends, if you want to point the finger of blame at anyone for muchof the above ... we unfortunately must ultimately turn that fingerback towards ourselves; because you, as a Canadian, have FAILED in your duty to rectify the wrongs of government.
Governments are by definition meant to serve the people in a democracy and yet the PEOPLEhave failed to direct the government in doing so. Many of us have put “Doritos” before democracy
So honk your horns and fly your flags, continue to back Canadian made products and services. Yes, continue to support your neighbors because that's what you were supposed to do in the first place. We need this kind of patriotism but Canada, we need MORE
from you.
We need you to take part in government to such an extent that you know what they are doing before they do it. You need to become so close to every level of government, that they can feel our brath on the back of their ncks. Only then can you have our say before they make bad decisions without your input.
The truth is a bitter pill to swallow... but swallow it now and get it over with. Going forward we need you to step up to the plate and do your part in becoming a true democracy loving Canadian.
I am doing my part, and now you need to step up and do yours. For your children and grandchidren, please.
Contact me at the email provided and let's work together towards building a
better and more sponsible government.
If you can donate $5-? whatever bucks it would help the cause!
E-transfer: malcolmmills53@gmail.com